Roundhill Primary School

Roundhill Primary School

Listening, Learning and Achieving Together

Interactive Bar


Upper Key Stage Two (Years 5 and 6)

Welcome to Years 5 and 6


Birch class - Mrs Davis

Cedar class - Mr Bradley





Our enquiry displayYear 5 and 6 Enquiries

Why can’t we see around corners?

This enquiry focuses mainly on science and art skills and knowledge.

The children will be looking at light and shadow- including:

  • light sources
  • the way light travels
  • how shadows are formed
  • transparency, translucency and opaqueness 
  • reflection and refraction


In art, the children will be learning about how different artists use shadow in their work, and will be particularly looking at the work of Banksy, creating art with a professional artist.

How can we look after our hearts?

This enquiry focuses on our heart, our circulatory system and how lifestyle can help keep our heart healthy.

We will be having a visit from a paramedic, who will show the children CPD and other life saving things. 


Year 5/6


Reading books

Each child will have a reading book and a reading diary to take home with them every day. We ask that the children bring these with them to school daily. In order to support your child, we would like someone to hear them read at home as much as possible, ideally every day, but at least 4 times each week. If you hear your child read please record it in their reading diary. Children are welcome to take home a library book and a book from our book banks as well as their levelled or class book.  Once a child has evidence of having read at home four times they will be able to earn a leaf to go on our reading leaves display - a leaf is picked each term for a prize.

Times tables and spellings

We ask that Year 5/6 children practise their times tables as often as possible to enable them become fluent.  In addition, your child will be receiving a weekly spelling list for them to learn at home. 


The children will be having PE lessons each week. All three classes have PE on a Thursday, but check with your class teacher as to which other day you will have another session, as this changes due to outside PE specialist teachers coming in to work with our children. 

In order for your child to be able to participate fully in these lessons we ask that they have a PE kit in school at all times. This consists of a t-shirt, shorts or sports trousers and daps or trainers. Long hair should be tied back. We ask that earrings are removed for PE lessons. If your child is unable to remove their earrings due to them being recently pierced (for the first 6 weeks), please provide them with plasters or micropore tape to protect the ears during lessons.  If there are difficulties with earrings, please discuss this with the class teacher to find a short-term solution.

Morning Snack

Your child is welcome to bring their own healthy snack of fruit or vegetables to eat at break time. Other foods are not allowed. Children may also have a water bottle in class (water only please).

Spellings Year 5/6

Spellings - below is a list of all the spellings in Year 5/6 are expected to know by the end of Year 6. We are looking at different words each week, which can be found in the Class Story of Class Dojo.
