Roundhill Primary School

Roundhill Primary School

Building memories together

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Key Stage One (Years Reception, 1 and 2)

Welcome to Key Stage One


We are made up of 4 classes:


Butterflies ~ Reception

Bumblebees ~ Year 1

Ladybirds ~ Year 1 and Year 2

Grasshoppers ~ Year 1 and Year 2


Welcome to Reception and Years 1 and 2.  We strive to offer a broad and balanced curriculum to our children and cover a wide range of knowledge and skills. Our children become scientists, authors, mathematicians and many other types of learner throughout our enquiry-based approach to learning. We teach key learning skills through the use of gem powers,  which the children love to collect and are proud to talk about. We encourage good oracy skills through specific lessons designed to encourage effective speaking, listening and communication.

How to support your child in KS1

Reading books

Each child will have a reading book and Home School reading record  to take home with them every day. We ask that the children please bring these with them to school daily. In order to support your child, we would like someone to hear them read at home as much as possible, ideally every day, but at least 4 times each week. If you hear your child read, please record it in their reading record. Children are welcome to take home a library book and a book from our book bank as well as their levelled reading book and decodable phonics book. Your child will also be given their own log in details for Bug Club to access books online.  Once a child has evidence of having read at home four times they will be able to earn a leaf towards our reading display - each term a leaf is picked out for a prize.


Home Learning

In order to develop the children's mental math skills we ask that children complete Doodle maths and times tables as often as possible to enable them to stay in their green zone.  In addition, your child will be receiving a weekly spelling list for them to learn at home. There will also be a termly enquiry-based creative project. 



The children have 2 PE lessons each week. All three classes have PE on a Thursday, but check with your class teacher as to which other day you will have another session, as this changes due to outside PE specialist teachers coming in to work with our children.



In order for your child to be able to participate fully in these lessons we ask that they have a PE kit in school at all times. This consists of a t-shirt, shorts or sports trousers and daps or trainers. Long hair should be tied back. We ask that earrings are removed for PE lessons. If your child is unable to remove their earrings due to being recently pierced (in the last 6 weeks), please provide them with plasters or micropore tape to protect the ears during lessons. If there is a difficulty with earrings, please speak to the class teachers to arrange a short-term solution.



Morning Snack

Your child will be provided with a healthy snack of fruit or vegetables to eat at break time.  The children should also bring a named water bottle to have in class (water only please!).

In KS1 we take on the roles of different types of learner.


We are Authors

Beegu landed in our garden- Why is he here?

We are Mathematicians

We are Geographers

We are learning to look at maps.

Chi brought some things from home that are typical in Nigeria

We are Artists

We are Athletes

Every week we do an 'Active Mile'

We are footballers.

We are learning to be Gymnasts.

This term cricket was fun and we learned new skills.

We are Scientists

We are Historians

Our Enquiry was 'Who helps who?' Do you know who Florence Nightingale was?

We are Engineers

We are Musicians

We sang 'The Dingle Dangle Scraecrow' for the school at Harvest time.

Visits and Visitors

We visited Bath City Farm to find out about animals

We made observations of Autumn on a walk in 'Sirrus Woods'.

Sponsored Scarecrow Hunt. We raised lots of money for our classes.

We went to the cinema to watch 'Spirit Untamed'

Visits from the Emergency Services

We had visits from the Fire Service and a Paramedic to help us learn about what they do to help us.  

We walked to Roundhill and became artists to look at the geography of Bath. We sketched the view of the countryside and the city.

The Duchess of Cornwall visited our school in February

Author Emma Perry visited our school to talk about stories.
