Roundhill Primary School

Roundhill Primary School

Listening, Learning and Achieving Together

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Treetops Nursery - 2 year olds

Welcome to our Treetops Nursery

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Treetops Nursery

2 – 3 year olds


Our nursery room offers a warm and nurturing space for our youngest children. It has a well-equipped, spacious outdoor garden with a variety of learning experiences within the room which include, structured play and independent, free flow activities. The children visit the school library and they also explore the wooded areas of the grounds during Forest Sessions, they are able to further develop their physical skills during Soft Play and Apparatus sessions in the hall.


Our nursery sessions focus on the three Prime areas of learning in the Early Years Foundation Stage Framework:


  1. Communication and Language
  2. Personal, Social and Emotional development
  3. Physical Development.


We’d love to chat with you and your little one!

Here’s how to get in touch



Telephone: 01225 424950

Lemon Sensory Play

Potato masher printing

Climbing outside 

This week in  our garden we have been focusing on climbing, using our climbing frame to climb up and down and the barrel to climb over and through. 


Climbing helps to develop children's self confidence, hand eye coordination, flexibility, physical and mental strength as well as their spacial awareness.

This week the children had an opportunity to practice spreading the butter on their cracker for snack.


Spreading is very tricky and messy , but the children love to be involved in the daily activities of the nursery and snack preparation is no exception.




This year world book day has been a little different. 


We have been reading some of our favourite books in the story corner.


One particular book 'Sports Day' with Peppa Pig sparked lots of conversation about WHY George was crying.  Children related this too times when they have hurt themselves, telling the adult what made them cry and who or what  helped them to feel better.  One of the younger children carefully tried to wipe George's tears away on the page saying 'Ahh''.

Bubble foam

Giant puddles

Following on from the children's fascination of puddles last week. The children made their own fetching watering and pouring into the tuff tray. Some children worked out that the more water they added the better the splash when stamping in the water. Their was lots of turn taking to use the water tap, although not always easy to wait when you are super excited.



The children have been enjoying playing with shaving foam.   Messy play helps develop early fine motor skills, strengthens hand and finger muscles and enhances children's hand eye co-ordination.



This week the Nursery has been focusing on balancing blocks.


Block play offers an open ended, creative and valuable play and learning experience, imagination, self-expression, problem-solving, mathematics, physical development, creativity, science, self-esteem, PSED and communication and language.


WOW all of these learning opportunities from blocks !

