Admissions and How to Apply for a Place
We are currently consulting to reduce our planned admission numbers (PAN) from 2025-26 onwards. You can find out more information on The Partnership Trust’s website HERE
How to apply:
Reception Admissions
The Partnership Trust is the Admissions Authority for Roundhill Primary. However, Bath and North East Somerset Council manages Reception admissions on behalf of the Trust Board. Therefore, Roundhill Primary admits Reception pupils in accordance with the admissions policy determined by Bath and North East Somerset Council (BANES).
Roundhill Primary School Admissions Information:
Children are offered three full terms of education in their Reception year and most are admitted in the September following their fourth birthday.
To ensure a happy and confident start to their formal schooling, children attend part-time sessions only for the first two weeks.
Children and parents are invited into school for a series of induction events in the Summer term preceding their entry. Home visits are held with all parents prior to children starting school. In the first term, parents are invited to curriculum events where information is shared to help them support their child’s learning.
In-Year Admissions
In-Year admissions are requests for places at Roundhill Primary School other than the initial admission of Reception children each September.
If you would like to apply for an in-year place for your child, please complete the application form available via the link below and return it to the Roundhill Primary School office by either :
(1) post, to:
Roundhill Primary School
Mount Road
or (2) e-mail, to: (marking it for the attention of Admissions)
Download our application form here:
Appeals For Places At Roundhill Primary
The Partnership Trust is the ‘Admissions Authority’ for Roundhill Primary. The Trust has a policy of not admitting pupils above the Published Admission Number (PAN) for each year group. This is because admitting pupils above the PAN means larger classes, which stretch teachers, equipment and space, and prejudice the education of pupils already on roll at the School.
School Admission appeals are administered in accordance with the requirements of the 2012 School Admission Appeals Code issued by the Department for Education. Parents whose admissions application is refused will have the legal right to appeal that decision. To lodge an appeal, please complete and return an Appeal Form, which can be requested from the Roundhill Primary School office, or the office of The Partnership Trust:
The Partnership Trust
Fosse Way School
Longfellow Road
Bath BA3 3AL
T: 01761 404207
Please click on the link below for more information about the process and timetable involved in making an appeal.