Roundhill Primary School

Roundhill Primary School

Building memories together

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Our Intent for Science at Roundhill Primary School

It is our vision to distil a lifelong love of science within our pupils. Science has changed our lives and is vital to the world’s future prosperity.

We provide a rich and varied curriculum to challenge and meet the needs of our children. We believe all pupils should be taught essential aspects of the knowledge, methods, processes and uses of science.

From Nursery to KS2, our pupils will build up a body of key foundational knowledge and concepts. They are encouraged to recognise the power of rational explanation and develop a sense of excitement and curiosity about natural phenomena.

Our intent is for children to understand what it means to be a scientist, and to understand the part that influential scientists have played in forming our understanding of the world.

We provide our children with wider opportunities in science and make links to other subjects through carefully sequenced linked learning.

Teachers plan and challenge pupils based on the progressive curriculum maps, unique to our school and our needs.

We monitor our school’s progress in science regularly by moderating work in-line with the PLAN exemplification materials.


Our sequenced and progressive Science curriculum is taught through a series of units, allowing pupils opportunities to build on prior learning and make connections. Children’s scientific understanding is enhanced through regular experiences, trips and visitors, including within the local area.

Where relevant, cross-curricular links are made to link scientific understanding with relevant subject areas.

Teachers use assessment for learning to tailor lessons around our children and help us plan for next steps. In our school we strongly encourage all pupils to use subject specific vocabulary. Through effective teaching of science, we develop children’s knowledge and key skills during each topic. With effective subject management we are a well-equipped and resourced school. Regular monitoring shows that our children understand and apply key scientific principles within their work. Children are provided with regular opportunities to develop strategies for questioning and thinking


Our Science Linked Learning








Nursery 1

Who am I?


What is a celebration?

What keeps me warm?

How do I look after plants?

Where can I walk to?

Who lives on the farm?

Nursery 2

Who are we?

How do you celebrate?

What can I feel?

How do plants grow?

Where in the world can I go?

Who lives in the jungle?


Where do I belong?


What is the difference between light and dark?


Why is it cold?

What else grows?

Who do we share the world with?

What’s under the sea?

Year 1


What are we?

What changes in Autumn?


What changes in Autumn?

How can I make a strong hat?

What changes in Spring?

What changes in Spring?

What grows near me?


Year 2

What could my classroom be made from?

What changes in Winter?



What changes in Winter?

What do we need to survive?



How do plants grow around the World?


What changes in Summer?


Year 3

How can we live a healthy lifestyle?

How does electricity flow?

Where does our water come from?

What is underneath our feet?



How do plants survive in different climates?


Year 4/5/6


What does the Earth look like from the Solar System?


What do forces actually do?


How do materials change?




How are we helping to save our planet?




Scientific Enquiry
